Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Details

I am wondering this morning why I put myself in this position. The position of small business owner. I am an artist for God's sake. I'm not in this for the money. I mean, I like having money but I don't like to keep track of it. Coming or going. In fact, I don't really like to keep track of anything. I am not what you call the most detail-oriented person on the planet. I am big picture. I can see exactly where I want to get but not exactly all the steps it takes to get there. It's like with this blog. I know what I want this blog to I want it to contribute to society. But, I have a hard time paying attention to the fact that I have to post regularly in order to make that happen.

But then, I look at what I am good at. I am good at producing and directing experiences for people to think about things and feel good about thinking about things. To feel good about themselves and each other. I do that in my theater pieces and my workshops. Even parties. And, when I am working on these, I am all about the details. It's the details that make or break the experience.

So, here's why I have put myself in the position to stare down all of my challenges and deficiencies in order to build a successful business. It's about freedom. Sure, I could just go out there and try to “make it” as a theater artist and workshop leader. That's what I had been doing for years anyway. But instead, I decided that I was going to say “screw you” to the notion that an artist has to suffer for their art. To the notion that you are either totally “real” with your art and no one has ever heard of you or you are popular, which makes you a complete sell-out. To the notion that, in order to be successful you have to work 20 hours a day until you die.

The big picture vision of my business is that it will provide quality experiences for people that make them feel good while it also provides enough income for me and my partner, our family, and the people who work with us. Without us doing too much work. And it's going to work. Screw everyone who says otherwise.

I just need to find someone who will work out the details.

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